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Questions about Our Reiki Courses?

Below are answers to the most common questions we receive.  If you still have questions, please feel free to call or text Jennifer Taylor at 540-729-0301, email, or use the form here.  We are here to support you on your path of discovery.

I'm new to Reiki, where should I start?

Welcome and congratulations on your exploration of this wonderful healing art!  As a new Reiki student you will need to start with a Reiki I/II level course.  This is the foundational level class and will start you from the very beginning, from what Reiki is to providing Reiki sessions to yourself and others, even working professionally as a Certified Reiki Practitioner.  We offer two different styles of beginner classes in order to make Reiki instruction accessible to as many people and learning styles as possible.  Read Which Style of Reiki Class is Right for Me? for a detailed explanation of these two class structures, and as always, reach out with any questions or thoughts along the way.

I'm new to Holy Fire®️, what do all the numbers mean?

This is a common question and source of confusion.  You will often see courses written as Holy Fire®️ III Reiki I/II Class, or Holy Fire®️ III Reiki Master Class.  The Holy Fire®️ III Reiki is indicating that the class is utilizing the third level of Holy Fire Reiki that was received by the originator, William Rand.  This can be thought of like the operating system of the Reiki, like iOS 10, etc.  It is simply denoting that the class is utilizing what is currently the highest level of Holy Fire Reiki that has been received.  The numbers AFTER the word Reiki refer to the level of Reiki training class that is being provided, for instance I/II (levels 1 and 2, the foundational levels of Reiki training) or Reiki Master (level after I/II).  This has been the source of much confusion, even within the Holy Fire®️Reiki world.  For this reason I have eliminated the "III" from my course listings so as simplify and clarify the listings as much as possible. 

Are your instructors utilizing the most current Holy Fire®️Reiki energies?

YES, all of our instructors are are up to date with the latest Holy Fire®️Reiki energetic upgrades.  To date this includes Holy Fire®️III Reiki energy, Online instruction, World Peace Reiki Energy and all levels of Animal Reiki Certification.  As new energies present themselves and become available all instructors will continue to upgrade their energy to ensure we are operating on the most current level available.  We also utilize the most current Holy Fire®️Reiki manuals and offer online manuals as well which are continually being updated and revised to contain the most current information possible.  

Do you offer in person classes?

We occasionally offer an in person Animal Reiki I/II or Master class, but the majority of our classes are online for everyones health, safety and convenience (classes are labeled as in person or online).  We have found that online classes offer a variety of benefits such as:  the ability to receive class recordings for review, the ability to replay the recorded healing experiences and placements and receive the energetic benefits again and again; connecting with those from other areas of the country, or world; increased comfort and convenience of being in a familiar environment; eliminating travel time, expense and stress; decreased carbon footprint - good for the planet, and many more.  It is incredible how one can create a cohesive, heart-centered connection with others across any distance through zoom.  Our instructors are experts at creating energetic spaces that envelop the group and bring everyone into a state of coherence and resonance with each other that defies description.  Join us for an online event or session and experience this phenomenon first hand.   

I have my Reiki I/II or Master Certificate in a different style/lineage of Reiki. Do I have to take Holy Fire®️Reiki I/II before I can take Holy Fire®️Reiki Master or Karuna levels?

Congratulations on your Reiki training!  We honor your training and lineage.  You are welcome to continue your Reiki training with us via Holy Fire®️Reiki and take the next level class.  If you have Reiki I/II, you may take Holy Fire®️Reiki Master six months after you received your I/II certificate.  If you are a Reiki Master you may take Holy Fire®️Karuna Reiki®️ Master six  months after receiving your Reiki Master Certificate.  You are able to teach Holy Fire®️Reiki I/II and Master levels following the completion of Holy Fire®️Reiki Master Certification.  However, students often find it most advantageous to take Holy Fire®️Reiki I/II prior to teaching it so as to familiarize themselves with the Holy Fire®️Reiki methods and techniques taught in that class.  This is, however, left to the student's discretion.  Following completion of Holy Fire®️Karuna Reiki®️ Master you are permitted to teach all classes up through the Karuna Master level.  Please feel free to reach out for clarification or with any additional questions.

Which format of Reiki Class is right for me?

We offer 2 formats of Reiki Classes, the first is entirely unique to Willow Ridge Reiki and Healing Arts.

Reiki Reimagined - a solid foundation for a lifetime of transformation 


This class is the culmination of many online class experiences, deep listening to my clients and other Reiki students, and strong intuitive and divine guidance.  My intention with this class is to provide a profoundly new way of initiating new Reiki practitioners into this incredible healing art. By dividing the class into 4 sessions of 4 hours over 4 weeks (6 weeks for master classes) students receive a full month of support, encouragement, growth and healing.  I have noticed that in the traditional ways of teaching Reiki (2 or 3 consecutive 10 hour days), students often reach a point of over saturation with the material and often may not retain all of the information as a result.  By presenting the information in 4 hour increments, students are able to be fresh, engaged and fully present throughout the entire class time and have an entire week to integrate, practice and more deeply engage with the material.  When they return the following week, they not only have better retention, but have meaningfully engaged with the information and have deeper questions and insights to share with the class.  The relationships among the students also deepen as they share their journey across a month's time, rather than a weekend, providing a greater sense of community and greater likelihood of continuing this support system beyond the end of class (on-going student reiki groups available for all Willow Ridge Reiki Students).  I have also seen a need for increased mentoring time actually doing Reiki sessions on others and developing intuitive skills.  In order to provide additional face to face class time, I removed approximately 4 hours of in class “lecture” time and replaced it with intuitive skills practice, active engagement with the material and additional Healing Experiences and Placements.  To ensure the information is still presented and received, students receive a pre-recorded video presentation discussing a different topic each week throughout the course.  This presentation can then be viewed at their leisure, anytime before the next week's class.  (number of videos and frequency will vary among the different courses)  I consistently hear from students, both mine and others, that their favorite part of Reiki classes is the personal healing and revelation received through the Holy Fire Healing Experiences and Reiki Placements.  The information, tools and techniques provided are vital and important, but direct experience with the Reiki energy is ultimately what transforms lives.  This class structure allows for double the number of Healing Experiences and double the number of Placements.  (Reiki I/II) This gives students an even stronger connection with the energy and the greatest likelihood of continuing their Reiki practice, as they can more readily see and feel the affects.  In addition, it is universally accepted that the best and most important factor in increasing the amount of Reiki you can channel is by using it!  This is also a huge benefit of this class.  Despite our greatest intentions, it can be challenging to make changes to our routines and ingrained habits.  Research shows that it takes 21 to 28 days of repeated action to create a new habit.  By spending 4 weeks focusing on utilizing and accessing Reiki energy, at course completion, daily Reiki use will be a habit, and about halfway to becoming automatic. (Around 66 days) This dramatically increases the benefits and healing possibilities of Reiki in their lives and provides a solid foundation for growth, health and wellbeing.  


Other benefits: 


- For some, two long days of focused learning is too much physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.  


- Those with attention challenges tend to find these classes much more accessible and compatible with their learning style.  In addition to being shorter, the time is divided between classroom discussion, lying comfortably receiving the Healing Experiences or Placements and skill utilization, providing a comfortable rhythm to each class.  

- Parents and caregivers of all kinds often find it easier to access a class in 4 hour blocks than 20 hours in 2 days. (28-30hrs in 3 days for Master)


- Those with physical or health challenges may find 4 hours to be most compatible with their physical comfort, stamina and wellbeing.  


- Receiving the ability to channel Reiki energy requires a reorganization of sorts of our energetic body.  This process can be more dramatic and impactful to some than others.  By dividing the class into smaller doses one can more gradually adjust to these changes and often allow for a more smooth and comfortable period of adjustment.  


I deeply believe that I am being called to offer these classes to increase the accessibility of Reiki and continue the evolution of Reiki instruction.  Please feel free to reach out or sign up today if this reimagining of Reiki class feels right to you, or with any additional questions you may have. 



Traditional Format Reiki Courses - a concentrated immersion in Reiki energy


Traditional methods and structures have their own list of benefits and positive qualities.  They have stood the test of time for many good reasons.  For some, a period of concentrated study and immersion in the Reiki energy is exactly what they need to step away from the distractions of daily life, recharge and connect with both Reiki and themselves.  In this structure students spend from 8:30am - 6:30 pm the first day, and 9am - 6:30 pm the second day (and third day for Master and Karuna levels), with an hour for lunch, fully immersed in the Reiki energy.  This is a profound and beautiful experience and can help to interrupt daily habits and patterns, opening space to introduce new, perhaps more nourishing ones.  The complete break from normal daily responsibilities can also be a welcome relief and opportunity to shift.  The 2 day format may fit most conveniently into one's busy schedule, for many, making it the most accessible and harmonious choice.  It also offers more instant gratification in being able to receive and be ready to share Reiki with others in only 2 days.  It is, however, recommended that for those new to Reiki, the first 30 days be spent focusing on self-Reiki.  With dedication and commitment, many students are able to bring their new Reiki practice into their daily lives and through regular connection with the energy, channel ever greater quantities of Reiki energy for themselves and others.. For all of these reasons, and many more, I continue to teach the two and three day Reiki classes.  I have also incorporated many of the teaching strategies of the Reimagined courses into my two and three day courses, maximizing class engagement time and experiential enrichment.  




Feel in to each option… what resonates with your soul? What is most convenient? What just sounds like the most fun?  Whatever you choose, you will discover a fount of blessings that will nourish every aspect of your life. 

As always, reach out with questions or comments, I am here for you!



Which Style of Reiki Class is Right for Me?

I have a scheduling conflict with one of the 4 or 6 week Reimagined Classes, can I do a "make up" class?

It has come to our attention that, in order to truly make these classes as accessible as possible it is important to allow one makeup class per series.  You may miss 1 of the 4 (or 6) week live classes as long as you are able to watch the class recording prior to the next weeks live class. (if you miss week 3 you will need to watch the week 3 recording prior to week 4's class).  The class recording will be emailed to you within 24hours of the completion of the live class. It is important to still treat this class as you would a live class.  Set aside time to give your full attention to the video in order to receive the maximum benefit of both the information and energy.   It is very important to be current by the next class as each class builds upon the last.  

Receiving the energy/Placements/Ignitions/Experiences via video will be just as effective as if it were live.  We will intend that the energy be sent to you whenever you view, and are ready to receive, the energy.  William Rand (founder of Holy Fire Reiki) uses this technique to provide upgrades with great success.  

Makeup class?? Reimagined

Can I reserve my spot in a class with a deposit then pay the rest closer to the class date?

YES!  We wish to make our classes as accessible as possible.  You may register for a class today and pay only the $75 deposit, paying the remainder of the tuition 7 days prior to the start of class.  Wish to pay in full? simply contact us and we will provide you with a payment link.

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